MSN Exam for Musculoskeletal Examination

Practice Mode

Welcome to your MSN Exam for Musculoskeletal Examination! This exam is carefully curated to help you consolidate your knowledge and gain deeper understanding on the topic.


Exam Details

  • Number of Questions: 53 items
  • Mode: Practice Mode

Exam Instructions

  1. Practice Mode: This mode aims to facilitate effective learning and review.
  2. Instant Feedback: After each question, the correct answer along with an explanation will be revealed. This is to help you understand the reasoning behind the correct answer, helping to reinforce your learning.
  3. Time Limit: There is no time limit for this exam. Take your time to understand each question and the corresponding choices.

Tips For Success

  • Read each question carefully. Take your time and don't rush.
  • Understand the rationale behind each answer. This will not only help you during this exam, but also assist in reinforcing your learning.
  • Don't be discouraged by incorrect answers. Use them as an opportunity to learn and improve.
  • Take breaks if you need them. It's not a race, and your understanding is what's most important.
  • Keep a positive attitude and believe in your ability to succeed.

Remember, this exam is not just a test of your knowledge, but also an opportunity to enhance your understanding and skills. Enjoy the learning journey!


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💡 Hint

In the fascinating intersection of nursing and biomechanics, certain devices are used not just for immediate comfort but also to prevent long-term complications. Consider how the position of the leg and the function of certain muscles could be influenced by something as seemingly simple as a footplate.

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1. A young patient is admitted to the hospital with his left leg in Buck's traction. The charge nurse instructs Nurse Stevenson to affix a footplate on the affected side at the foot of the bed. The underlying rationale for this directive would be to:

💡 Hint

In the early days after a knee replacement surgery, the priority is to protect and stabilize the new joint while encouraging mobility. Consider which action would provide both joint stability and elevation while the patient is seated.

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2. On the first postoperative day after a total knee replacement, Nurse Olivia has orders to assist the patient out of bed and into a chair. What action would she plan to safeguard the newly replaced knee joint?

💡 Hint

Following any open fracture, the potential for complications is a real concern. In this case, the patient's symptoms point towards a specific bone-related complication. Jasmine is well aware that fever and restlessness combined with difficulty moving the affected leg can indicate a serious issue that requires immediate attention.

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3. After being discharged following treatment for an open femoral fracture, a patient begins to experience fever, night sweats, chills, restlessness, and restricted movement of the previously injured leg at home. Nurse Jasmine interprets these symptoms as indicative of which condition?

💡 Hint

To maneuver crutches efficiently, the patient will need strong upper body muscles. Nurse Ella knows that the shoulders, in particular, will play a crucial role in supporting the patient's weight and enabling movements. Therefore, she recommends specific exercises that focus on this particular muscle group.

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4. Nurse Ella is preparing a patient with an above-the-knee amputation to use crutches until their prosthesis is adjusted. Which exercise should she advise the patient to perform in order to best prepare them for using crutches?

💡 Hint

Observing distal movement, such as toe wiggling, can provide essential clues about the circulation in an injured limb. This scenario emphasizes the significance of comprehensive physical assessment in patients with orthopedic injuries, as simple actions can provide vital insights into the patient's condition.

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5. Nurse Baxter is caring for a patient with a fractured femur and is mindful of the risk of circulatory impairment associated with this injury. One way to assess for signs of circulatory impairment is to ask the patient to:

💡 Hint

The administration of certain medications can impact the stomach lining, and so, timing is crucial. When it comes to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen, aligning intake with dietary habits can serve as a buffer, making the journey of the drug through the body a little more comfortable.

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6. Nurse Benson is advising a patient who's been prescribed ibuprofen (Motrin) to manage pain in the left hip, a result of osteoarthritis. To lessen any possible irritation to the stomach lining, at what moment would she guide the patient to take this medication?

💡 Hint

Empowering patients to move and adjust themselves as much as possible can greatly improve their sense of independence and well-being. This scenario invites reflection on the importance of patient independence in healthcare, as well as how tools and equipment can support this goal.

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7. While attending to a patient in skeletal traction, Nurse Thompson is pondering over the best nursing actions that will encourage the patient's autonomy. Among the following options, which action would be most beneficial for promoting patient independence?

💡 Hint

Post-cast application, monitoring for color changes in the distal part of the limb is vital as it can indicate issues with blood supply. This case emphasizes the need for vigilance in observing physical signs to detect potential complications early.

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8. After a tumble down the basement steps, a man is brought to the emergency department where his physician confirms a leg fracture. Post the leg cast application, Nurse Davis's primary concern would be to inspect the patient's toes for:

💡 Hint

In the world of pharmaceuticals, it's vital to understand a drug's main purpose. Methocarbamol (Robaxin), a medication often administered to those with musculoskeletal issues, has a key function that provides relief in a very specific area.

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9. Nurse Isabella is preparing to educate a patient with a fractured tibia about the drug methocarbamol (Robaxin) that he has been taking. What would she highlight as the main therapeutic effect of this medication?

💡 Hint

Immediate prosthetic fitting following amputation can offer several advantages. One key benefit pertains to the patient's mobility and independence. Reflecting on the goals of post-amputation care may lead you to the most fitting answer.

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10. Nurse Anderson is discussing with a patient the advantages of immediate prosthesis fitting following an amputation. Among the following benefits, which one stands out as an advantage to the patient in this situation?

💡 Hint

Fractures, especially those involving large joints such as the hip, can significantly affect the patient's physical appearance and posture. One such change might manifest as a perceived alteration in the length of the limb.

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11. When examining a patient diagnosed with an intracapsular hip fracture, which of the following observations would Nurse Silva be looking for?

💡 Hint

To enhance patient comfort and minimize the risk of pressure points, the nurse should consider providing additional cushioning to the top of the splint.

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12. In the bustling realm of orthopedic nursing, a patient, Mr. Murphy, has recently suffered a femur fracture. His treatment plan involves a balanced skeletal traction using a Thomas splint. The nurse responsible for his care is now pondering over the most effective strategy to ward off the development of pressure points at the top of the splint. The potential methods include:

💡 Hint

Methotrexate, a potent drug, can interact with many substances, including seemingly innocuous ones. While diligent dental hygiene and avoidance of alcohol are sensible practices, certain supplements may not be as straightforward when taken in combination with this medication.

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13. Following her informative session with a patient severely affected by rheumatoid arthritis about their new medication, methotrexate (Rheumatrex 0), Nurse Avery picks up on a comment that signals a need for additional education. Which of these patient statements could it be?

💡 Hint

When sudden, severe discomfort and immobilization present in a patient after joint replacement surgery, it's crucial to think about the mechanical aspects of the new joint. Sometimes, the cause of pain is not as microbial or chemical as it is physical.

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14. Following surgery and the implementation of a total joint prosthesis, Nurse Duncan's patient experiences abrupt, intense pain and finds it impossible to move the limb. How should the nurse interpret these symptoms?

💡 Hint

The intricate architecture of our bones makes them a challenging battlefield when infections like osteomyelitis occur. Lack of an immediate positive response to antibiotics may suggest a particular obstacle that the drug faces in the battle against bacteria.

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15. Nurse Gabriel is caring for a patient with osteomyelitis, and he notices that the antibiotics prescribed are not generating the expected improvement. Gabriel interprets this situation as most likely indicating which of the following phenomena?

💡 Hint

Infection beneath a cast can be tricky to detect, but there are certain indicators that experienced nurses like Lucas keep in mind. A particular sign on the cast itself might alert him to a brewing issue beneath the protective shell. Sometimes, it's all about feeling the heat.

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16. Nurse Lucas is examining a patient's limb that has been encased in a cast. He's looking for signs of infection. What specific symptom would indicate this potential complication?

💡 Hint

The stability of internal fixation devices like nail plates is crucial to the healing process. Certain movements can disrupt this stability. This scenario emphasizes the importance of patient education in postoperative care, especially for orthopedic patients, to prevent complications and promote healing.

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17. Nurse Kennedy is caring for an elderly patient who has just returned from surgery after sustaining an intertrochanteric hip fracture. A nail plate was inserted for internal fixation, and the patient has been instructed not to flex her hip. When asked why this movement could be harmful, the best explanation Nurse Kennedy can provide is:

💡 Hint

In Buck's traction, the risk of foot drop can be mitigated by ensuring the correct alignment of the patient's body. Which option would best reflect this preventive measure?

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18. Nurse Davis is caring for a patient who's in Buck's traction. She understands the need to take precautions against foot drop in this patient. To accomplish this, she should:

💡 Hint

Postoperative care for hip replacement patients is important to promote comfort and minimize the risk of complications. Body positioning is a key part of this care, and the best position is often the one that reduces strain on the hip joint and promotes easy breathing.

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19. One day after a successful total hip replacement surgery, Nurse Benson has been tasked with positioning her patient optimally for recovery. She sifts through her knowledge of body positions, considering which one would be the most beneficial in this situation:

💡 Hint

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease characterized by certain symptoms primarily related to the joints. Understanding the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis can guide you to the most likely findings in these patients.

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20. Nurse Jordan is conducting a history and physical examination of a patient recently diagnosed with osteoarthritis. Among the following factors, what should the nurse be attentive to during her assessment?

💡 Hint

Visualizing the key anatomical changes that occur with a femoral neck fracture can lead you to the right answer. This situation reinforces the importance of a thorough physical examination when diagnosing orthopedic injuries, where certain signs might provide critical clues.

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21. In the bustling emergency department, Nurse Gomez is confronted with a patient who fell from a roof. A fracture of the femoral neck is suspected. Among the following assessments, which would most effectively support this diagnosis?

💡 Hint

The cane should be held in the hand opposite to the side that needs support. It should also be placed a short distance to the side of the foot for balance. Which option aligns with this guidance?

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22. Nurse Alex is teaching a patient with right-sided weakness how to use a cane. She plans to instruct the patient to hold the cane:

💡 Hint

In the throes of trauma, the body may redirect resources to deal with the most immediate threats. Unfortunately, this can place other organs under stress. Mason knows that monitoring the output and appearance of one particular waste product can provide a clue to an organ's struggle.

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23. Mason, an experienced nurse, is tending to a patient who has recently developed compartment syndrome following a fracture. He knows he must be vigilant for certain signs indicative of possible organ failure in this context. What symptom is he specifically looking for?

💡 Hint

Gallium scans involve the use of a special radioactive material that helps visualize specific details within the body. Understanding the timing of the tracer's administration is crucial for Nurse Mia to explain to her patient. It's all about preparing the patient for the waiting game.

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24. Nurse Mia is providing patient education for a gallium scan procedure. Which instruction would she include as part of her explanation?

💡 Hint

In the realm of orthopedic care, the precise mechanics of traction can have profound implications on patient recovery. Notably, the system that guides the pull's direction is more about physics and less about the patient's physical state.

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25. As Nurse Andrews oversees patient care, she ponders on the factors that manage the direction of pull in all traction types. Is it:

💡 Hint

In the immediate post-operative period following a below-the-knee amputation, correct positioning can prevent hip flexion contracture. Consider which action would support this. Also, remember that the patient's care should be as close as possible to the doctor's orders.

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26. Following a below-the-knee amputation of the left leg, a patient has returned from surgery to the ward where Nurse Mitchell is assigned. The doctor's orders include elevating the foot of the bed for 24 hours. Upon observing that a nursing assistant has placed a pillow under the patient's amputated limb, Nurse Mitchell should take which action:

💡 Hint

Nurses must be vigilant in assessing patients with new casts for signs of impaired circulation or nerve function. Such complications can be serious, and early detection and intervention can help prevent further harm.

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27. During her routine rounds, Nurse Patel is caring for a patient with a freshly applied plaster of Paris cast. She meticulously documents all of her observations. Among the following conditions, which particular assessment finding demands immediate attention and notification to the physician?

💡 Hint

Long periods of immobilization can leave patients like Benjamin's feeling bored and restless. While their physical mobility is obviously impacted, the nurse recognizes another important aspect of their well-being might need some attention too. It's about finding ways to occupy the mind when the body must stay still.

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28. Nurse Benjamin is caring for a patient with skeletal leg traction who expresses feelings of boredom and restlessness. Based on these complaints, which nursing diagnosis would he identify for this patient?

💡 Hint

Gout is a form of arthritis caused by excess uric acid in the bloodstream. While the normal range can vary slightly depending on the laboratory, Nurse Leo knows that levels above the usual range are often indicative of gout. He keeps an eye on the relevant metric in his patient's blood test results.

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29. Nurse Leo is looking after a patient suffering from gout. Which laboratory value does he anticipate finding in this patient?

💡 Hint

Resting strategies for patients with rheumatoid arthritis often consider comfort and avoidance of further joint strain. Certain body positions might potentially exacerbate stiffness or discomfort, thus contradicting the aim of rest periods. Remember, ease and alignment are key in managing this chronic condition.

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30. As Nurse Patterson crafts an education plan for a patient suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, with an aim to encourage rest, which of the following activities would she likely advise the patient to steer clear of during their periods of rest?

💡 Hint

In the context of paraplegia and an intermittent urinary catheterization program, the focus of Nurse Adams' primary assessment should be on a condition that might arise due to potential issues with bladder function. Which option is most directly associated with bladder function?

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31. A 23-year-old woman, involved in a car accident, is now a paraplegic. She's currently on an intermittent urinary catheterization program and has no dietary restrictions. Nurse Adams's priority assessment should be to watch out for:

💡 Hint

In the realm of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), some agents have specific advantages over others. The critical aspect lies in understanding how these drugs interact with our body systems. A certain drug might be gentler on one part of the body while being just as effective in managing symptoms.

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32. While drafting an educational plan for a patient with osteoarthritis currently on celecoxib (Celebrex), Nurse Grayson anticipates explaining that the primary benefit of celecoxib compared to diclofenac (Voltaren) would likely result in which of the following?

💡 Hint

When dealing with fractures, nurses like Emma understand the importance of preserving circulation, sensation, and movement. Focusing first on a specific area can provide valuable insight into how well the extremity is faring beyond the injury site, where potential complications may first become evident.

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33. Upon admitting a patient with a broken limb, Nurse Emma knows she needs to prioritize certain areas in her assessment. Which area would she concentrate on first?

💡 Hint

Medications like carisoprodol (Soma) can help manage the pain associated with a fracture, but they also interact with our body systems in complex ways. Each patient can respond differently, making a nurse's assessment critical to monitor these effects and ensure the most beneficial care.

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34. In the early hours of her shift, Nurse Liana is assessing a patient admitted with a fractured arm. The patient has been taking carisoprodol (Soma) at home and now presents with a blood pressure of 80/50 mmHg, a pulse rate of 115 bpm, and shallow respirations at a rate of 8 breaths per minute. What does Liana interpret these findings as?

💡 Hint

Proper use of crutches involves a distribution of weight that may seem counterintuitive. It's crucial to avoid pressure on certain sensitive areas which could lead to nerve damage.

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35. A patient who's undergone an above-the-knee amputation is advised to use crutches until her prosthesis is properly fitted. In educating the patient about the correct usage of crutches, Nurse Mitchell directs her to primarily bear her weight on which part of the body?

💡 Hint

When a patient is fitted with a Buck's extension, maintaining skin integrity is of utmost importance. Nurse Riley knows that regular, thorough checks are critical to catching any potential issues early. It's all about keeping an eye on the skin beneath the traction.

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36. Nurse Riley is caring for a patient who has Buck's extension applied to their right leg. What would be an appropriate intervention in her care plan to help prevent complications associated with this device?

💡 Hint

Reflect on the symptoms the patient is experiencing post-procedure, particularly in response to the use of a contrast medium. Sometimes, certain elements introduced into the body can incite a swift and severe immune response.

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37. At the turn of her shift, Nurse Johnson escorts a patient back to the unit following a computer tomography scan with intravenous contrast medium. Shortly after, the patient complains about experiencing shortness of breath and a strange itching sensation. In response, Nurse Johnson readies herself to treat the patient for which possible condition:

💡 Hint

Certain tools and techniques can be used to maintain proper alignment and prevent rotation of limbs when patients are lying down. This situation underscores the importance of understanding the anatomical positioning and utilizing available resources effectively for patient comfort and safety.

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38. While attending to a patient lying in a supine position, Nurse Hanson aims to prevent external rotation of the lower extremity. To achieve this, she should utilize a:

💡 Hint

While rheumatoid arthritis is a common condition among adults, the age bracket of those most commonly affected might not be as advanced as one might think. Disease onset often precedes the golden years.

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39. Having instructed her patient about the risk factors associated with rheumatoid arthritis, Nurse Ford listens to the patient recapitulate. If the patient mentions which of the following as a risk factor, Nurse Ford would recognize the need for further teaching?

💡 Hint

Aspirin is a common over-the-counter medication with certain properties that may prove beneficial in certain chronic conditions. Reflecting on the pharmacological actions of aspirin may provide the answer to this question.

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40. Nurse Harper is caring for a patient with rheumatoid arthritis who has been prescribed acetylsalicylic acid, commonly known as aspirin. The patient is curious about why this medication is used in the treatment of his condition. The primary reason for using aspirin in the management of rheumatoid arthritis is to:

💡 Hint

The fine balance of managing long-term medication involves keen observation of both the expected benefits and potential side effects. When it comes to certain drugs, the color and consistency of one's waste can hold critical clues to internal health.

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41. In the midst of her shift, Nurse Matthews is evaluating a woman suffering from rheumatoid arthritis who has been prescribed aspirin grain TID and prednisone 10 mg BID for the past couple of years. The pivotal query regarding the patient's medication regimen would be to inquire if she has experienced:

💡 Hint

Buck's traction is commonly used for lower extremity fractures. The patient needs to be in a position where the leg can be straight and the pull of gravity can assist. Which position allows for this?

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42. Nurse Hamilton is caring for a patient who has had Buck's traction applied to their right leg. To ensure that the traction is effective, which position should the patient be placed in?

💡 Hint

In the realm of radiologic procedures like MRI, the focus is primarily on the patient's comfort, potential metallic implants, and psychological preparedness. Interventions like establishing an IV line, commonly seen in many other procedures, might not be as necessary in this setting.

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43. As Nurse Howard gets a patient ready for a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) procedure to examine a herniated disc, which of the following steps would be considered unsuitable?

💡 Hint

In pediatric nursing, a key part of care involves supporting not just the physical, but also the mental and emotional health of young patients. Activities that not only entertain but also stimulate creativity and active engagement can often be more beneficial in these situations, offering a blend of distraction, education, and fun.

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44. Nurse Connor attends to a 7-year-old boy with a broken leg who confides in him about feeling bored. An apt response to uplift the young patient's spirits might be to suggest that he:

💡 Hint

When it comes to post-amputation care, daily observation of the residual limb or 'stump' is crucial. This aids in the early detection of any skin issues, changes, or infections. Nurse Ethan knows that a mirror can be a valuable tool for this daily ritual, empowering the patient to monitor their own health.

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45. Nurse Ethan has provided education to a patient who has undergone a below-the-knee amputation, focusing on the importance of prosthesis and stump care. Which statement from the patient would demonstrate a correct understanding of the given instructions?

💡 Hint

In the three-point gait with touchdown weight-bearing, the affected leg (in this case, the left leg) and the crutches move together, and then the unaffected leg moves. Which sequence represents this process correctly?

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46. Nurse Ava is instructing a patient with a left leg cast on crutch walking using the three-point gait, allowing touchdown weight-bearing for the affected leg. She guides the patient to move in which sequence?

💡 Hint

When dealing with skeletal traction, the priority is often to ensure the site of insertion remains clean and free of infection. Which intervention directly addresses this key consideration?

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47. Nurse Williams is developing a care plan for a patient who has been placed in skeletal traction. Among the following options, which nursing intervention would be suitable in this situation?

💡 Hint

After a limb amputation, a compression bandage helps control swelling, shapes the limb for a prosthesis, and aids in healing. When such a bandage becomes loose or falls off, Nurse Ethan knows the first step involves promptly re-wrapping the stump, ensuring continued support and healing progress.

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48. Nurse Ethan is attending to a patient who underwent an above-the-knee amputation two days ago. The elastic compression bandage on the residual limb has come undone. What is his immediate action?

💡 Hint

In certain procedures, the substances used can provoke serious allergic reactions in some people. Before carrying out an arthrogram with contrast medium, Nurse Olivia knows that she has to ascertain one crucial aspect of the patient's medical history. It's a small detail that makes a big difference.

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49. Nurse Olivia is prepping a patient who is scheduled for an arthrogram using a contrast medium. What would she regard as her highest priority assessment for this patient?

💡 Hint

In a patient with skeletal traction, maintaining the integrity of the insertion site is paramount to prevent infection and other complications. What care practice relates directly to this concern?

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50. Nurse Rodriguez is caring for a patient who has suffered a compound fracture of the tibia and fibula, for which skeletal traction has been applied. Among the following options, which one should be prioritized in her care plan for this patient?

💡 Hint

Early signs of rheumatoid arthritis often manifest as discomfort or changes in mobility patterns. What is the most common symptom patients report experiencing, especially when they first wake up?

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51. During a clinic visit, a patient reports experiencing early signs of rheumatoid arthritis. Nurse Reynolds is tasked with the patient's assessment. Among the following, which symptom would the nurse most likely expect to find in this initial stage?

💡 Hint

Fat embolisms can be a severe complication following certain bone fractures. While they may trigger various symptoms, there's one that should quickly set off alarm bells for Nurse Joshua. In this complex situation, the lungs can often tell the first part of the story.

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52. Nurse Joshua is caring for a patient who sustained a right femur fracture. What symptom would cause him to suspect that the patient might be developing a fat embolism?

💡 Hint

In the postoperative phase, patients might encounter what's known as phantom limb pain, where they perceive pain in the limb that's no longer there. As a nurse, acknowledging and validating the patient's experience is an essential first step.

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53. A patient in the postanesthesia care unit (PACU) who's undergone a below-the-knee amputation on the left leg reports experiencing pain in her absent left big toe. What would be Nurse Bailey's initial course of action in this situation?

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