Using the urine specimen in a community health setting can be beneficial in determining the sugar level. This is done using the Benedict’s Method for those with history of diabetes.
- Benedict’s qualities reagent
- Test tube
- Alcohol lamp
- Droppers (2pieces)
- Urine (Early morning, mid stream flow)
- Match
- Place the paper lining clean side out on a table or any clean, flat surface away from the client.
- Spread the plastic lining over the paper lining, clean side in.
- Place the bag in the area away from the client, tucking handles beneath the bag.
- Open the bag; take out soap in dish, towel and apron.
- Do thorough hand washing. Dry hands, place soap/dish and towel near the bag.
- Put on apron, right side out.
- Take out the kidney basin and place 3 CB with alcohol.
- Take out 2 droppers, a test tube and holder, and place these in the kidney basin. Take out the alcohol lamp, match .Benedict’s sol’n and place them on the work area.
- Place the waste receptacle at one corner of the work area.
- Light the lamp.
- Place 6-8 drops of urine in the test tube.
- Add 3-5 ml. Of Benedict’s sol’n to the urine
- Used droppers should be placed near the waste receptacle.
- Pass the test tube with mixture over the flame, mouth of the TT should be away from you and the client.
- Remove from flame and stand for one minute. Put off flame.
- Interpret:
- Clean blue to marked cloudygreen———–negative
- Bluish green—————————————-+
- Yellowish green————————————++
- Yellow————————————————-+++
- Orange————————————————++++
- Wash the TT, TT holder and droppers with soap and water. Drain,place them in the work area.
- Disinfect the kidney basin, TT, TT holder and droppers with 3 pieces of CR with alcohol, Discard 2CB. Place the articles inside the kidney basin(Save the last CB with alcohol)
- With one CB with alcohol, disinfect the lamp and the plastic lining.
- Discard the waste receptacle.
- Do thorough hand washing. Dry Hands with the towel.
- Return all articles in their proper places in the bag.
- Remove apron away from the body, folding contaminated part in. Place over the flaps of the bag.
- Fold the plastic lining contaminated part in. Place over the flaps of the bag.
- Hold the bag with one hand, and with the other hand fold the paper lining , contaminated part in. Place over the plastic lining. Close the bag.