History of Nursing Periods
History of Nursing Periods

Intuitive Nursing
- From Prehistoric times up to the early Christian Era
- Untaught and Instinctive
- Nursing performed out of compassion
- Nursing belonged to women
Apprentice Nursing
- From the founding of the Religious orders in the 11th century up to 1836 with the establishment of the Kaiserwerth Institute for training of Deaconesses
- Period of “on-the-job training”
- Nursing performed without any formal education and by people who were directed by more experienced nurses
- Important personalities in this period:
- St. Clare-gave nursing care to the sick and the afflicted
- St. Elizabeth of Hungary- Patrones of nurses
- St. Catherine of Siena- First lady with a lamp
- Dark period of Nursing
- From the 17th century up to 19th century
- Nursing became the work of the least desirable of women
Educated Nursing
- Began on June 15, 1860 when Florence Nightingale School of nursing opened St. Thomas Hospital in London
- Development of nursing was strongly influenced by trends resulting from wars, from an arousal of social consciousness, from the increased educational opportunities offered to women
Contemporary Nursing
- Covers the period after the world war II to the present
- Marked by scientific and technological developments as well as social changes