Functions of a Health Worker
Functions of a Health Worker
Community Health Service Provider
- Carries out health services contributing to the promotion of health, prevention of illness, early treatment of illness and rehabilitation.
- appraises health needs and hazards (existing or potential)
- helps plan a comprehensive health program with the people
- continuing guidance and supervisory assistance

Health Counselor
- provides health counseling including emotional support to individuals, family, group and community
- Provides the community with stimulation necessary for a wider or more complex study or problems.
- Enforce community to do prompt and intelligent reporting of epidemiologic investigation of disease.
- suggest areas hat need research (by creating dissatisfaction)
- participate in planning for the study in formulating procedures
- assist in the collection of data
- helps interpret findings collectively
- act on the result of the research
Member of a Team
- in operating within the team, one must be willing to listen as well as to contribute, to teach as well as to learn, to lead as well as to follow, to share as well as to work under it
- helps make multiple services which the family receives in the course of health care, coordinated, continuous and comprehensive as possible
- consults with and refers to appropriate personnel for any other community services
Health Educator
- Health education is an accepted activity at all levels of public works. A health educator is the one who improves the health of the people by employing various methods of scientific procedures to stimulate, arouse and guide people to healthful ways of living. She takes into consideration these aspects of health education:
- information – provision of knowledge
- education – change in knowledge, attitude and skills
- communication – exchange of information