Nurses Gifts


Nursing is a profession designed to give gifts of caring to people. Nurses are there to serve their patients, giving them gifts of comfort and care especially during the times when patients need it most; when patients are in their most uncomfortable situation of their lives. We can say that nurses, whether a BSN, RNs, or APNs, give different kinds of gifts to their patients daily. These gifts are intangible and cannot be measured nor be bought but these are precious and difficult to find in a regular store or in any profession.

nurses gifts

  1. Nurses Gift of Compassion and UnderstandingCompassion and Understanding are the two offerings that we can say are the most precious gifts that nurses can give to their patients, It is indeed true that among all the health care providers, the patients receive so much compassion (first hand) from the nurses. They take care of them in a diligent manner and make sure to help them recover from their illnesses. Nurses do not just take good care of their patients but motivate them as well so they will recover instantly from their sickness.
  2. Nurses Gift of Creativity – The nursing profession in its quest to provide the highest standard of excellence in patient care is innovative and ever changing on its own. Nurses are also part of the advancement that changes this field. They are somewhat contributors to the changes that can help the patients and improve the delivery of patient and medical care system. It may still be a long way for the situation to be ideal especially to the marginalized communities where nurses and health care are scarce but at least nurses are very creative and always think of the ways in order for the patients to be able to receive the best care possible.
  3. Nurses Gift of Laughter – Nurses know the situation of their patients including their procedures, tests, and treatment. They also realize the patients’ sufferings from pain as well as the hardships and burden that the patients are going through when they are in the hospital. The gifts of how the nurses treated their patients like trying to lighten up the mood by providing laughter, humor and smile to their patients are very significant. Nurses often lighten up the mood, telling funny jokes especially to children so they will not be scared with all the procedures they are going through. Nurses know that laughter will not just lighten up the mood or situation but also provide an outlet to patients.
  4. Nurses Gift of Courage and Bravery – Apart from providing their patients laughter and humor, nurses are also there to play roles that can display courage and bravery. For example, during disasters and natural calamities, it is the nurses who are front liners in providing aid and medical treatment to those affected people. They in fact risk their lives in helping and saving injured victims from these disasters. The nursing profession requires them not to think about their safety but instead they focus on saving lives and how to be of service to the community in times like calamities and disasters.

Therefore, nurses may not give us gifts that have a price tag but they provide us with gifts that are more precious and rare to humankind. We are then to be grateful for all the nurses who are there to serve us and make this society a better world to live in. Thanks to them!;-)


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